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Using Text Corpora in Technical Writing

Prof. Dr. Georg Löckinger


Technical communicators use a great variety of language resources such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias and domain-specific textbooks. More and more language resources are becoming available in electronic form. In addition to traditional language resources, electronic text collections of various kinds are gaining ground as helpful resources for language professionals.


20.04.2018 | 12:00 Uhr
tekom Österreich


In this webinar, you will get a state-of-the-art overview of what text corpora are and how you can use them in your daily work.


Prof. Dr. Georg Löckinger

Prof. Dr. Georg Löckinger

Prof. Dr. Georg Löckinger holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in translation studies. His award-winning doctoral thesis focuses on translation-oriented reference tools and includes an empirical study on translators’ information needs. He is a professor of technical communication at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.