tekom - Gesellschaft für technische Kommunikation - Deutschland e.V.


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Let's move tech writing to its proper position!

Thomas Bro-Rasmussen


“I guess we all acknowledge the importance of our field: technical writing. It's not that hard. We are the experts, we dig into seemingly impossible tasks to get the myriad of manuals out in time. In all types of languages, variations, forms, and shapes. We know that we have to comply with regulations and happily move heaven and earth to achieve this. We sweat, grin, moan, stay up late. We know that we are the last step before release, so with our conscience, we cannot bear if we are the culprit: yikes, we are delayed! But are we really appreciated? As a profession, as a position in the company, as the important last step, we are before release. My assertion is that we are not (always). At least not to the full. At least not to what we expect and hope for."


19.05.2020 | 13:00 Uhr
19.05.2020 | 14:00 Uhr
tekom Sweden
Aufzeichnung nur für eingeloggte Mitglieder verfügbar.


Thomas´s webinar turns to management and maybe even higher: "I'd like to provoke a bit, in pointing out to managers, CEOs, CFO's, why many companies waste a vast amount of money. Due to the lack of a strategy and lack of acceptance to the important last step: the technical writer. To those who already do the right thing, you can pad your back, to those who do not know what I'm talking about you'd better listen in. I hope I can make it worthwhile.”


Thomas Bro-Rasmussen

Thomas Bro-Rasmussen

Thomas Bro-Rasmussen (T-BRO) graduated as M.Sc. in human physiology, biochemistry, and biology, but has spent the past 30+ years in the world of computer graphics and communication. Thomas has equally divided his expertise between design, training, and development. His expertise ranges from the intricacy of adjusting a glyph in a font to the million-page technical documentation. His prime aim is to have users work as effectively as possible.