tekom - Gesellschaft für technische Kommunikation - Deutschland e.V.


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    Tools and Technologies

    What the Tag? From Confluence to DITA CMS in Less Than 80 Days

    Justyna Adamczyk ,Barbara Szwarc

    We will present the transition from creating and publishing documentation using Atlassian Confluence to working with DITA CMS as our main documentation tool. We will prove that even though moving to a...


    Technical Writing ,Translation

    Bridging the Gap between Technical Communication and Translation

    Dr. Birgitta Meex ,Dr. Daniela Straub

    The processes of creating and translating/localizing information products are highly interwoven knowing that the content created by technical communicators along the product information life cycle...


    Intelligent Information

    iiRDS – Introduction and Status

    Frau steht vor Skyline und bedient intelligente Applikationen
    Ralf Robers

    Early in 2016 tekom started its working group “Information 4.0” to elaborate concepts and standards for technical communication in the context of “Internet of things” or “Industry 4.0”. The key...


    Technical Writing

    TecCOMFrame – Technical Communication Competence Framework

    Prof. Sissi Closs ,Dr. Jan Engberg

    In most European countries, no programs of study in technical communication are offered and individuals enter the field without formal training. At the same time, technical communication is getting...


    Tools and Technologies

    Structured Authoring in the Browser - the Possibilities of Web-based CCMS

    Ralf Steiner

    Dropbox, Google-Apps, iCloud – web-based tools have become a commodity. But what about tech writer tools? Many current CCMS are still based on the classic client-server model. But especially small and...


    Technical Writing

    Using Text Corpora in Technical Writing

    Prof. Dr. Georg Löckinger

    Technical communicators use a great variety of language resources such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias and domain-specific textbooks. More and more language resources are becoming available in...


    Standards and Legislation

    Upcoming New Edition of IEC / IEEE 82079-1: Requirements for Information for Use and Information Management Process

    Dr. Claudia Klumpp

    What’s new? The IEC/IEEE 82079-1 revised – what you should know about the upcoming new version. The new edition of IEC/IEEE 82079-1 does not only have a new title but a completely new concept of...


    Tools and Technologies

    Analytics and Tech Doc: The Dawn of a New Era

    Fabrice Lacroix

    Understanding how product documentation is consumed can fuel your company with data that has the potential to transform operations and impact strategic decisions. To gain this insight, you need to...



    "Equal Goes It Loose": Machine Translation Meets Translation Management

    Christian Weih

    This famous quote by former German Federal President Heinrich Lübke led to the term "Lübke English", standing for wrong word-to-word translation—something  many people associate with...


    Standards and Legislation

    European Legislation And Product Safety And Its Impacts on Technical Documentation – Latest Developments and Updates on Standards

    Dr. Claudia Klumpp

    There are more than 20 European directives as well as innumerable standards on European level regarding products and product safety. Why this seemingly overruling flood of laws and standards?
