tekom - Gesellschaft für technische Kommunikation - Deutschland e.V.
Buchcover Safety Notes and Warning Messages
Bibliografische Information

DIN A4, 125 Seiten, 2nd updated Edition 2024
ISBN 978-3-96393-130-7 (Softcover)

PDF, 125 Seiten, 2nd updated Edition 2024
ISBN 978-3-96393-131-4 (E-Book PDF)

Safety Notes and Warning Messages

Autor(en): Gruchmann, Heuer-James, Rieder, Schmeling, Schulz, Tillmann
Verlag: tcworld GmbH
  • Recht & Normen
  • Praxisleitfäden
  • Sicherheitshinweise
  • Warnhinweise
  • IEC/IEEE 82079-1 Ed.2
  • Normative Anforderungen
  • Produktsicherheit
  • Produkthaftung
  • EN ISO 20607
  • EN ISO 20417
  • Technische Redaktion
  • Technische Kommunikation
  • Industrieprodukte
  • Entscheidungshilfen
  • Risikobeurteilung
  • Medizinproduktegesetz (MPG)
  • Maschinenverordnung

120,00 € (für Mitglieder 75,00 €) Softcover, 125 Seiten Lieferzeit: 5-7 Arbeitstage Status: Erschienen

100,00 € (für Mitglieder 60,00 €) E-Book PDF, 125 Seiten Lieferzeit: 2-3 Arbeitstage Status: Erschienen

170,00 € (für Mitglieder 105,00 €) Bundle Softcover & E-Book PDF


Internationally, the markets for industrial products are increasingly operating on the basis of standardized rules. The updated guide not only provides a comprehensive overview of legal and normative requirements for safety-related information in Europe, the USA, China, etc., but also offers numerous decision-making aids and examples for practical implementation. 

Über das Buch

In 2014, tekom published the Guide on “Safety Notes and Warning Messages”. It comments on many European, international, and US standards, some of which have been revised and contained changed or extended requirements. Worldwide, markets for industrial products are increasingly functioning on the basis of common rules. The new version of EN IEC/IEEE 82079-1 (Edition 2:2020) specifies these rules in still more detail. In 2019 and 2020, new product specific standards have been published that contain requirements regarding content and design of safety-related information. In particular, this holds true of EN ISO 20607 for machinery and EN ISO 20417 for medical products.

The practical guide is not intended as a collection of rules, but rather as an  aid in decision making. Rather, it shows the scope for design that arises internationally from the current state of legislation and standardization, and is intended as a structured decision-making aid for day-to-day operations. At the same time, technical writers who want clear guidelines are provided with numerous graphic examples and specific recommendations for implementing safety notes and warning messages. 

Legal and normative requirements for safety notes and warning messages in Europe, the USA, Brazil, Russia and China are covered. 

Good Reasons for the Practical Guide: 

  • an up-to-date summary of the international legal and normative requirements for safety notes and warning messages applicable in Europa, the USA, Brazil, Russia and China
  • profound guidance regarding the integration of safety-related information into the processes of product development and risk assessment as well as insights on product safety and liability
  • Supplement to the Practical Guide Implementation of IEC/IEEE 82079-1 Ed. 2

  • a well-structured decision aid for daily practice, based on the presentation of the normative requirements and the decision options

  • an overview of the pertinent principles and criteria for phrasing and design as well as practical guidance regarding implementation and structuring

  1. Purpose and Objective of This Guide
    1. Overview of the Requirements
    2. Aid in Decision Making
    3. Structure and Use of This Implementation Guide
    4. Definition of Terms Depending on Branches of Industry and Context
  2. Product Safety and Information
    1. Principles of Risk Reduction/Minimisation
    2. Information for Safety
    3. Types of Safety-Related Information
    4. Risk Management
    5. Tasks and Opportunities for Technical Communicators
  3. Legal Requirements for Safety-Related Information – Europe
    1. Requirements under European Law
    2. Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC and Product Safety Regulation 2023/988
    3. EU Legislation on CE Marking
    4. Germany
    5. Austrian Product Safety Law and its Regulations
    6. Swiss Federal Law on Product Safety
  4. Legal Requirements for Safety-Related Information – Outside Europe
    1. USA
    2. Brazil
    3. Russia
    4. People’s Republic of China
  5. Legal Requirements for Safety-Related Information – Sector-Specific Examples
  6. Requirements for Safety-Related Information in the Context of Relevant Standards
    1. European and International Standards – EN, ISO, IEC
    2. US Standardization – ANSI and Beyond
  7. Recommendations for Implementation
    1. Principles for Structuring and Presentation of Safety-Related Information in Information for Use
    2. Safety Notes
    3. Warning Messages in Context
    4. Recommendations for wording in safety notes and warning messages
    5. Warning Signs   
  8. Glossary
  9. Abbreviations and Bibliography
    1. List of Abbreviations
    2. List of Cited Laws, Directives, and Standards
    3. Literature
  10. Authors