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TecCOMFrame – Technical Communication Competence Framework
Prof. Sissi Closs ,Dr. Jan Engberg
In most European countries, no programs of study in technical communication are offered and individuals enter the field without formal training. At the same time, technical communication is getting increasingly important due to digitalization, fast growing technology and legal or other requirements. In 2015 a 3-year EU-funded project entitled TecCOMFrame was launched to develop prototype curricula that are based on a common European academic competence framework. In our webinar, we will demonstrate the work in progress on the curricula. Four prototype curricula aiming at different profiles of students will be presented which correspond to the levels 5 to 7 of the European Quality Framework (EQF). The prototype curricula can serve as templates from which higher education institutes can derive their own curricula tailored according to their needs and the local conditions: one bachelor program, one master program, and two specialization programs for language and engineering studies. Based on the presentations of the prototypes, we would like to collect feedback from the audience, educators as well as practitioners, on whether such prototypes can be useful and contain relevant aspects.
- Startzeit
- 03.04.2018 | 10:00 Uhr
- Zeitzone
- Europe/Berlin
- Aufzeichnung
- Aufzeichnung nur für eingeloggte Mitglieder verfügbar.
Prof. Sissi Closs
Prof. Sissi Closs
Sissi Closs is professor of Information and Media Technology at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, and owner of C-Topic Consulting. She is considered one of Germany's leading experts in the area of online documentation, single source publishing, XML, and DITA and has written and published many books on software documentation, and for many years has advised publishing houses and professional associations in the field technical documentation.
Dr. Jan Engberg
Dr. Jan Engberg
Jan Engberg is Professor of Knowledge Communication at the Department Business Communication, School of Business and Social Sciences, University of Aarhus, Denmark. His main areas of research interest are the study of texts and genres in the academic field, cognitive aspects of domain specific discourse and the relations between specialised knowledge and text formulation as well as basic aspects of communication in domain-specific settings. His research is focused upon communication and translation in the field of law. He is especially interested in the links between the knowledge of individuals and conceptual meaning in fields of specialized communication and the implications of these links for the way we conceptualize meaning. Furthermore, he is co-editor of the international journal Fachsprache and member of the editorial or advisory boards of a substantial number of international scholarly journals.