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Let’s talk about the Machinery Regulation Draft - Panel Discussion

Tiziana Sicilia ,Alessandro Pratelli ,Paolo Antonio Tobaldo ,Dr. Claudia Klumpp ,Jens-Uwe Heuer James


Instructions in electronic form are technically possible, but in practice the unclear legal situation and market surveillance authorities stand in the way.

The European Commission published a first draft of the new Machinery Regulation on April 21. Annex III of this draft includes a specific regulation for instructions in electronic form. This is a complete turnaround from the view previously expressed in the Guide to application of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC - Edition 2.2.

COM&TEC, Italy’s association for Technical Communication and corporate member of tekom Europe, invites international experts, members and non-members to a panel discussion about this turnaround and its possible implications.

Participate and discuss with us.


07.06.2021 | 16:30 Uhr
07.06.2021 | 18:00 Uhr
COM&TEC Italia
Aufzeichnung nur für eingeloggte Mitglieder verfügbar.


Tiziana Sicilia

Tiziana Sicilia

Tiziana Sicilia is President of COM&TEC, Chairperson of tekom Europe, Sole Director of COMtecnica S.R.L., Owner of TESOM. Tiziana is also Technical Consultant for the Court, Spokesperson for the Communication Area of the CNA TC (National Confederation of Artisans and SMEs), Councilor of the Chamber of Commerce Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Pistoia and Prato, Member of the Working Group GL06 of UNI for the standard on Professional Communicator, Member of the Accreditation and Evaluation Group of the University of Padua and of the Steering Committee of the University of Cagliari. For more than 30 years Tiziana has been working for organisations mainly in the mechanical, electronic, Oil&Gas and energy sectors. Tiziana is currently conducting studies for the optimization and simplification of multilingual translation processes and researches for the development of new tools and methods. As President of COM&TEC and tekom Europe, together with other European and Trade associations and in collaboration with Technical Institutes and Universities, Tiziana carries on significant projects aimed at recognising the profile of the Technical Communicator, runs projects aimed at raising the awareness of organizations and institutions on the importance of Technical Communication and Documentation and of the competences and skills required.

Alessandro Pratelli

Alessandro Pratelli

Alessandro Pratelli has been a technical writer/communicator since 1996. He is the owner of AP Publishing, a service firm for technical communication and documentation, since 2004. Alessandro assists organizations on everything that revolves around products, from safety through the study and compliance with Directives and Standards, to content security for technical and visual communication. Alessandro with his team helps companies create or restructure their technical documentation and communication production processes. He is involved in content management and technical writing and  passionate about content structuring, web and mobile communication and delivery. Alessandro loves finding new solutions to improve and automate processes. By CONTAINER, the application created for Industry 4.0 contexts, Alessandro allows technical documentation to be consulted digitally, at any time, from all devices. Alessandro is the COM&TEC Regional Delegate for Tuscany where he promotes the Association's activities.

Paolo Antonio Tobaldo

Paolo Antonio Tobaldo

Paolo Antonio Tobaldo is the owner of TECNEW, a service firm for industrial consultancy and technical communication. Since 1995, Paolo has been producing technical documentation for CE marking of machines, plants and products. Paolo designs and produces safety-information signs and human-machine interfaces (HMI). Paolo is an expert trainer in Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, EN ISO 20607, IEC 82079-1, ISO 3864-2, ISO 7010 and ISO 7000 standards. Paolo also teaches and trains at High Technical Institutes (ITS and ITS Maker) and at the MECCATRONICO ACCADEMY VENETO for the education and training on Machinery Directive and Technical Communication. Paolo joins the COM&TEC Regulations and Standards Committee and he is also one of the two COM&TEC Delegates for Veneto Region.

Dr. Claudia Klumpp

Dr. Claudia Klumpp

Claudia Klumpp graduated in law and business administration. After working several years as a lawyer and legal consultant, she joined the professional associations tekom Deutschland and the European Association for Technical Communication – tekom Europe in 2013. She is in charge of the standardization and lobbying work for these two associations on both, the national and international levels. She was co-author of the tekom guideline “Delivery of information for use in electronic form – eDoc”. During the last two years, she chaired a DKE working group of representatives of industry associations and larger industrial companies to draw up a position paper, published in October 2020. This position paper was fully supported by tekom Europe and aimed at politicians and shows that there is no way around clarifying instructions in digital form.

Jens-Uwe Heuer James

Jens-Uwe Heuer James

Jens-Uwe Heuer-James is working as a lawyer and Partner at Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft GmbH. He is specialized in the field of product safety and product liability law. He is responsible for the tekom expert advice for legal questions and member of the tekom Europe Advisory Board for legislation and standards and joined the tekom Deutschland Advisory Board for legislation and standards right from the beginning.