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Introduction to iiRDS
Ulrike Parson
iiRDS stands for intelligent information Request and Delivery Standard. This standard provides a uniform package format and a metadata vocabulary to deliver technical documentation content to systems like content delivery portals or integration platforms.
- Startzeit
- 18.04.2023 | 15:00 Uhr
- Endzeit
- 18.04.2023 | 17:00 Uhr
- Zeitzone
- Europe/Berlin
- Host/Gastgeber
- tekom Danmark
- Aufzeichnung
- Aufzeichnung nur für eingeloggte Mitglieder verfügbar.
- Folien
- Folien nur für eingeloggte Mitglieder verfügbar.
In this webinar, Ulrike Parson will introduce the standard and cover the following topics:
• What is intelligent information
• Goals and scope of iiRDS
• Components of iiRDS: package format and metadata vocabulary
• The iiRDS metadata
• Toolchain for iiRDS
• The iiRDS Open Toolkit
• Examples of how iiRDS is used in the industry
• Related standards
Ulrike Parson
Ulrike Parson is the founder and CEO of parson AG. She has been working in technical communication for more than 25 years – as an editor, consultant, trainer and mentor. In 2006, she founded the service company parson AG, headquartered in Hamburg. In addition to her work as a board member, she conducts consulting projects and participates in research projects. Ulrike is an acting member of the iiRDS steering committee.