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How to Get Started with Topic-Based Authoring
Kai Weber
Writing documentation in stand-alone modules makes sense - but is it right for you? And how do you get there? This webinar gives you a hand when you're wondering how to go "topic-based". There'll be a roadmap template which you can tweak to your needs. We'll go through the individual stages of the transition and talk about what can go wrong and how to ensure you'll succeed. And we'll take time to address any questions you may have, so you can get answers that fit your situation.
- Startzeit
- 06.02.2020 | 15:00 Uhr
- Endzeit
- 06.02.2020 | 16:00 Uhr
- Zeitzone
- Europe/Berlin
- Host/Gastgeber
- tekom Europe
- Aufzeichnung
- Aufzeichnung nur für eingeloggte Mitglieder verfügbar.
- How to decide if topic-based authoring is right for you - and how to convince others
- How to decide if you need a new tool - and how to find one
- How to create a roadmap for your transition to topics
- What to do about your existing content
- How to ensure you succeed
Kai Weber
Kai Weber is Lead Technical Writer at SimCorp GmbH. Since 1999, he's been designing and implementing software documentation strategies. Since 2017, he's helping agile tech writers succeed as a team and grow individually. Kai supports tekom in the update of the ISO 26515 standard and as a certification examiner.