tekom - Gesellschaft für technische Kommunikation - Deutschland e.V.
Bibliografische Information

17 x 24 cm, 88 Seiten, 1. Edition 2013
ISBN 978-3-944449-42-5 (Softcover)
ISSN 2196-6206

PDF, 88 Seiten, 1. Edition 2013
ISBN 978-3-96393-036-2 (E-Book PDF)
ISSN 2196-6206

Proceedings of the European Colloquium on Technical Communication 2012

Volume 1

Autor(en): Fischer, Kerzreho, Meex, Wermuth , Drewer, Schmitz, Schubert, Steurs
Herausgeber: European Association for Technical Communication - tekom Europe e.V.
Verlag: tcworld GmbH
  • Jahresbände & Zusammenfassungen
  • Proceedings

37,50 € (für Mitglieder 25,00 €) Softcover, 88 Seiten Lieferzeit: Ausverkauft Status: Ausverkauft

22,50 € (für Mitglieder 15,00 €) E-Book PDF, 88 Seiten Lieferzeit: 2-3 Arbeitstage Status: Verfügbar


The first "European Colloquium on Technical Communication" was held on October 22, 2012 in the Rhein-Main-Hallen, Wiesbaden, Germany. Its main aim was to discuss the status quo of technical communication studies in Europe, the current challenges in the field of technical communication and strategies for further development. This volume will keep you up to date on the latest trends in the field.

Über das Buch

The "Proceedings of the European Colloquium on Technical Communication" is a European scientific journal for technical communication. It is released every year and published on the internet and as print on demand. It consists of project reports, educational articles, empirical results of research, and scientific discussions on all the topics related to technical communication.

  • Sylvia Fischer: From Design to Text Production to Reception—How to Bridge the Communication Gaps?
  • Marie-Louise Flacke: Technical Communication: Usability, Minimalism, DITA, EU Machine Directive, Bid Writing and External Communication
  • Nolwenn Kerzreho: Looking Back on Technical Communication as a Master Specialisation at University Rennes 2
  • Birgitta Meex, Cornelia Wermuth: What Can Medical Communication Learn from Technical Communication?
  • Petra Drewer, Klaus-Dirk Schmitz: Terminology Management in Technical Communication
  • Klaus Schubert: What Is the Scholarly Interest in Technical Communication?
  • Frieda Steurs: The Language Industry: Growing Partner in Business and Economy for World Markets