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09. Juni 2021 | Fleury & Fleury Consultants

Online Seminar Project Management for Technical Documentation

How to master complexity and optimize collaboration with other departments

In this two-day online seminar and a subsequent web conference, you will learn project management methods and tools for mastering the complexity of your editing projects. The focus is also on creating structures and processes that foster smoother cooperation with all stakeholders without having authority to issue instructions.

The following questions will be answered in the seminar:

  • Which project management techniques and tools have proven successful in editing projects?
  • How can I strategically organize and standardize the management of editing projects?
  • How can I overcome pitfalls and stumbling blocks with smart project definition and careful planning?
  • How can I bring project objectives and interests of all project participants into line?
  • How do I build successful and motivating communication in the project team?
  • How do I deal master difficult situations in everyday project work?

The seminar at a glance:


Termin der Veranstaltung
09.06.2021 | 09:00 Uhr - 16.06.2021 | 17:00 Uhr
Isabelle Fleury
Verfügbare Plätze
Isabelle Fleury
Kontakt E-Mail
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