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Working from Home – Best Practices, Great Ideas and Security Tips

Paula Stern


In light of Coronavirus, many of us are working either completely or partially from home. Despite the many challenges this poses for both your company and your family, there are things you can do to make your day more productive until you are able to return to normal.


07.05.2020 | 11:00 Uhr
07.05.2020 | 12:00 Uhr
tekom Israel
Aufzeichnung nur für eingeloggte Mitglieder verfügbar.


Take-aways: A list of best practices, some amazing tools that can help you, and a couple of scary things to avoid.


Paula Stern

Paula Stern

Paula Stern is the founder and CEO of WritePoint Ltd. She is a senior technical writer, long-time Adobe Technical Communications Suite user, and has presented at numerous conferences in the UK, Ireland, Germany, India, Israel and the US. She is the main instructor and designer of the WritePoint Technical Writing Course, a former Adobe Influencer, and the current founder and president of tekom-Israel. Paula lives in Israel, is married and has five children. She is a popular blogger and has written over 3,000 articles on a wide variety of topics and has more than 12,000 followers on Twitter.