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iiRDS – Introduction and Status

Ralf Robers


Early in 2016 tekom started its working group “Information 4.0” to elaborate concepts and standards for technical communication in the context of “Internet of things” or “Industry 4.0”. The key working result has been the creation of the open source standard “iiRDS”.
In this webinar, you will first get a short introduction about purpose, concept and potential benefits of iiRDS. This overview is followed by a brief status report of the current rollout implementation and how the entire technical communication community may contribute to it.


13.03.2018 | 12:57 Uhr
tekom Danmark
Aufzeichnung nur für eingeloggte Mitglieder verfügbar.


Ralf Robers

Ralf Robers

Ralf Robers, tekom Deutschland e.V., Germany
is head of the documentation department at Siemens Postal, Parcel & Airport Logistics GmbH in Konstanz. His expertise of 25 years in technical communication has led to several professional articles and to a notable reference book about technical documentation. Since January 2017, he is vice president of tekom.