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GOT GAME? Gamifying Technical Writing

Milen Ranov ,Irina Peshina


The webinar covers the following: What is gamification and what are the basic principles of gamifying day-to-day work activities. What happens in our brains when we acquire new knowledge and when we have fun, and how to motivate both end-users and development/writing teams to learn through play. How to apply the basic principles of gamification to technical writing, and to the training of technical writers and other tech professionals. A quick and playful practical example.


25.10.2018 | 15:00 Uhr
tekom Bulgaria
Aufzeichnung nur für eingeloggte Mitglieder verfügbar.


Milen Ranov

Milen’s career started as a technical writer and he has been one ever since. He has been involved and interested in anything connected to computers from a young age. His interests include, but are not limited to books, board games, computer games, hiking, cars, Jenkins, production systems and doc delivery.

Irina Peshina

Irina Peshina: Irina is a technical writer at Software AG, with a background in linguistics and translation and a passion for technology. Her interests include natural language processing, artificial intelligence, coding, automation, localization, and tools for content management, doc delivery and testing.